Knowledge Base: Features

  • How does portfolio sharing work?

    By default, all portfolios are private, and cannot be shared with anyone.

    When you mark your portfolio as public:

    • Anyone with the public link will be able to view the charts in your portfolio. If you do not want others to see the chart, you should not make the chart public.
    • This portfolio view is read-only; users cannot modify the contents, type, indicators, or layout of the charts, and cannot add new charts, or delete existing charts.
    • Users can not force charts or accounts to update. They will continue to update in the background as normal.
    • If at any time
  • How does CryptFolio support accounts without transactions?

    For each account, CryptFolio maintains up to three collections of data:

    • Balances, the most recent currency values for the account;
    • Transactions, distinct currency events that can construct the history of an account; and
    • Histories, historical snapshots of currency values over time.

    CryptFolio is designed to work with accounts that can provide both balances and transactions. When generating your portfolio charts or tax reports, we will use these two collections together to construct the chart or report data.

    Automatic wallets

    For some of our supported wallet types, the third party API cannot return transactions (such as Kiwi-Coin and NiceHash).

    In this

  • How does CryptFolio add new wallets?

    We want to add support for as many wallet services (e.g. exchange wallets, mining pools, and other online wallets) as we can to CryptFolio, with priority on account types that are in the highest demand. In order to integrate a wallet type into CryptFolio, the requirements are: The wallet service must have an API to list the current balances for a given user. The API must be read-only, either by design or allowing a user to create an API key that is read-only; it must not be possible for an API key to perform an exchange, trade or withdrawal. The

  • How do I upload a new CSV file?

    To upload a new CSV file to a CryptFolio account, follow these four steps:

    1. Create a new Fixed Amount account (you can also add any other type of non-automatic account)

    2. In the Configure page for that portfolio, open the account page by clicking Import transactions.

    3. Click on the Import Transactions button to upload a new file.

    4. Select the CSV file to upload, and click Upload Transactions.

    If your uploaded CSV fails to import, it may be because we haven't yet implemented support for that CSV file – please let us know so we can add it.

  • Can anyone ever access my funds?

    Not through CryptFolio.

    Because the only data that you provide to CryptFolio are public addresses, and read-only APIs, it should not be possible for anyone to perform any trade or transaction with any of your currencies - as long as your account providers maintain their security as well.

    For more information, check out our Security Policies.

  • How does CryptFolio deal with conflicting currency codes?

    Most currencies, whether cryptocurrency or fiat, have unique codes (e.g. "BTC", "LTC") across all wallets and exchanges.

    We enforce this uniqueness in CryptFolio; we do not permit any of our tracked currencies to share a single currency code reference.

    For exchanges that use differing internal codes (e.g. Kraken uses XXBT for Bitcoin BTC), CryptFolio maintains an internal code-to-currency mapping.

    We also enforce that all codes must be lowercase. Special characters and/or UTF-8 codes (e.g. emoji) are fine.

    In the case of a conflicting or different currency code, our policies are:

    • An existing ISO4217 fiat code has priority over any cryptocurrency
  • What methods can I use to purchase an account?

    As at 3 February 2018, you can use the following cryptocurrencies to pay for your CryptFolio account, thanks to

    • BTC Bitcoin
    • LTC Litecoin
    • BCH Bitcoin Cash
    • BLK BlackCoin
    • DASH Dash
    • DCR Decred
    • DGB DigiByte
    • DOGE Dogecoin
    • ETC Ethereum Classic
    • ETH Ethereum
    • EXP Expanse
    • GAME GameCredits
    • LSK Lisk
    • POT PotCoin
    • SYS SysCoin 2.1
    • VTC Vertcoin
    • WAVES Waves
    • XVG Verge

    Alternatively, you can use your credit card to pay for your CryptFolio account, thanks to Stripe. We support:

    • VISA
    • Mastercard
    • American Express
  • What are the numeric limitations of CryptFolio?

    Other than the plan limits imposed by your current subscription level, all accounts in CryptFolio have the following limits:

    • Minimum account, address or offset balance stored (balance, transaction or history): 1e-9 per currency, up to 9 decimal places
    • Maximum account, address or offset balance stored (balance, transaction or history): 1e+9 per currency, up to 9 decimal places
    • Minimum portfolio summary stored (balance, transaction or history): 1e-9 per currency, up to 9 decimal places
    • Maximum portfolio summary stored (balance, transaction or history): 1e+9 per currency, up to 9 decimal places

    (This can mean that, in some cases, you may not get

  • How are new transactions merged into existing transactions?

    When CryptFolio updates one of your accounts or addresses automatically, through an API key or public address, we update existing transactions, and leave other transactions alone.

    If two transactions have the same reference, value, currency, and date, then we consider them to be the same - and we will update the transaction with any additional information available (e.g. fee).

    Since different public explorers for addresses often have different times for a transaction (often differing by only a couple of seconds, based on when the explorer received and processed the transaction), we consider two address transaction dates to be the same

  • How are market average rates calculated?

    Our market average rates are calculated for each pair of currencies that has five or more active exchanges trading that pair. The average is selected as a simple mean; we do not perform any trade volume weighting.

    If an exchange pair is from a deprecated exchange, then we will only use the rates from that exchange up to its defined deprecation date.

  • What does it mean when a chart is "loading"?

    When you initially visit your portfolio, or after you have added or removed some accounts to your portfolio, you may notice that some of your charts loading in the background. Charts loading in the background are indicated with a loading spinner at the bottom left (or bottom right).

    This loading spinner is displayed while the chart is calculating some data, or updating some accounts, asynchronously on one of our job servers. Any old data is displayed while we're crunching the new data, and your chart will refresh with the new data once the task has completed.

    How long will the

  • How transactions are automatically categorised

    When importing transactions for one of your accounts – either through an API integration, or by uploading a CSV of transactions – CryptFolio attempts to automatically assign each transaction a transaction type if it's safe to do so, to reduce the amount of work you need to do to later assign them transaction types.

    (Transaction types are necessary to accurately calculate your reports, e.g. inventory, realised and unrealised gains, and FIFO tax reports.)

    Automatic wallet imports (API) and manual imports (CSV)

    When importing transactions from a third-party service (such as your exchange wallet), or uploading transactions by manual CSV import,

  • CSV file formats supported for importing transactions

    While it is often easier to add your exchange accounts and wallets to CryptFolio by creating API keys and secrets, and sharing them with CryptFolio, we also support importing CSV files of transactions into accounts.

    We support the following file formats for importing a list of transactions into an account or address:

    Aragon format

    Bitstamp format

    Bittrex format

    CryptFolio format

    This is the same format that CryptFolio can export for any account or address.

    Cryptopia format (deposit)

    Cryptopia format (withdrawal)

    Cryptopia format (trade)

    Kiwi-Coin formats

    Kiwi-Coin XBT/NZD statement

    Kiwi-Coin buying statement

    Kiwi-Coin selling statement

    Kraken ledgers format

    KuCoin formats


  • Using CryptFolio anonymously: A guide

    One of our security principles is to allow anyone to sign up and use a CryptFolio account anonymously. This is because one of the strengths of cryptocurrency is the safety and security that anonymity provides; and it should not be necessary to request Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in order to view a portfolio.

    If you are wanting to use CryptFolio anonymously, we recommend that you consider the steps in this guide.

    NOTE: The extent of your anonymity will depend on how much effort and the resources you are willing to place into staying anonymous. All of our users must adhere

  • Transaction fields exported to CSV

    When you export a collection of address or account transactions, you will get a CSV file with these values for each transaction:

    This exported list of transactions can also be imported back into CryptFolio.

    Converted columns

    If you're also converting each transaction into another target currency, you'll also get these following columns. If a transaction or balance could not be converted - for example, there was not enough historical exchange data - the fields will be empty.

  • How does CryptFolio add new currencies?

    We want to add support for as many cryptocurrencies and tokens as we can to CryptFolio, with priority on currencies that are in the highest demand.

    We automatically pick up most new currencies as soon as they are supported by one of the exchanges tracked by CryptFolio.

    For a currency to be listed, the requirements are:

    • It must have a currency code (e.g. BTC).

    For a currency to have an exchange rate, it must also meet these requirements:

    • There must be at least one Exchange, that provides a ticker pair for that currency (e.g. BTC/USD), and has a public API